Creative Destruction

I’m not usually one to accept change blindly. Once a routine is set in place, I’m usually keen on protecting it, especially if things aren’t broken.

Typically, this would be a bad thing when leading a company. However, I have other strong traits that counteract this need for routine and comfort.

I am, perhaps, one of the least patient people I know. I might not begin shouting at you if you’re taking too long to explain a point, and I might not swerve through traffic to ensure I arrive 2 minutes earlier than I otherwise would have, but I don’t have much patience for incompetence.

That said, I’m all for change within organizations. After all, you cannot innovate without change, and often, it’s only when we’ve lost everything or completely demolished what stood previously that we can rebuild smarter, and stronger than before.

This can make or break a big company, and while their immense presence within a sector might protect them for awhile, ultimately it will also lead to their downfall because they will not be able to compete with the smaller, more agile and more adaptive companies. The ability to deconstruct and reassess is incredibly important when innovating, and cannot occur without proper insight and the courage and confidence to know and pursue what feels right.

Creative destruction isn’t about being number 1, about winning, or about being a billion dollar company. Rather, it is about forward progress and about focusing on how to apply creative insights to push the company forward.

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